Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ankara and Washington Develop Joint Strategies Against PKK by Zaman Daily Front News Desk

The United States has expressed its support to Turkey over a joint operation against the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

US Ambassador to Turkey Ross Wilson informed that the US is working to develop more functional methods for dealing with the PKK.

Wilson referred to the common vision document that was signed between Turkey and the US a month ago, and stressed that the document foresees cooperation over the PKK, economic and commercial issues as well as many others.

Speaking on the crisis between Israel and Lebanon, Wilson conveyed the American government and the public’s gratitude for Turkey’s contribution to assisting the evacuations from Lebanon.
He also appreciated Turkey’s efforts to establish peace in the region, and expressed the US’s continuing support for Turkey’s entry to the European Union.

Turkish and American military officials met in Ankara and Bagdat (Baghdad) to discuss measures against the PKK presence in Northern Iraq.

Sources reported that the US is ready to take concrete military steps against the PKK.

In Ankara, US top level military representatives to Turkey Peter Satten met officials from the Turkish Military Operation and Intelligence Directorate.

Turkish and American military officials also held talks in Baghdad and northern Iraq.

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