Monday, July 25, 2005

Africa and War on Terrorism

Complicated difficulties will arise and are arising in training Africa to fight the War on Terrorism while democratization takes place, which is necessary to fight terrorism. The difficulties lie in training troops whose loyalty might be to or will be to an abusive President and his ethnic group. For example, in the case of Chad, President Idriss Deby does respect and does not life democracy. Will the Chad troops and nations such as Niger, Mali, and Maurtiania become effective at patrolling their borders and facing the growing threat of terrorist in the region? or instead focus their troops with new skills on cracking down on internal dissent, patrolling the capital, and increase their repression?

These are complicated questions that need to be thought about and addressed since Africa is relevant in the War on Terrorism. Africa is an attractive recruitment ground for terrorist organizations. Terrorist from Africa are appearing in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere.

What are acceptable difficulties given the goals and approaches of the War on Terrorism in states that are close to disintegration and failure?

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