Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Israel, Project Daniel: Israel's Strategic Future, and Iran

Intelligence continues to indicate that Iran with the assistance of Russia has been moving ahead with uranium enrichment for weapons-grade uranium. Several reactors with advanced uranium production capabilities have been built in Iran. Russia also has recently trained a number of senior Iran nuclear scientists and installed mobile anti-missile systems to protect uranium facilities.

In response to Iran, a panel of foreign policy and military experts delivered "Project Daniel: Israel's Strategic Future" to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. At the same time, the United States and NATO were briefed on "Project Daniel: Israel's Strategic Future." Dr. Louis Rene Beres is Chairman of Project Daniel, who is a Professor of International Law at Purdue University. Co-author Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto is a former member of Knesset and the former Chief of Planning for the Israeli Air Force. Other authors include the former Head of the Israel Defense Force General Staff, a department head from Israel Dimona Nuclear Plant, and several expert analysts.

"Project Daniel: Israel's Strategic Future," recommends that with Iran developing the infrastructure to produce weapons-grade uranium the United States or Israel should make pre-emptive strikes against Iran uranium facilities if diplomacy fails.

"Project Daniel: Israel's Strategic Future," also recommends Israel strike Iran nuclear facilities using covert operations, conventional weaponry, and target Iran regime leadership.

"Project Daniel: Israel's Strategic Future," warns that Iran can build the infrastructure needed to make nuclear weapons while telling inspectors they need the weapons-grade uranium for "energy and nuclear medicine research," and then kick out the inspectors, renounce the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty and quickly assemble a nuclear arsenal, as did North Korea, which is now said to have around ten nuclear warheads.

"Project Daniel: Israel's Strategic Future" also warns that if Iran obtains nuclear warheads, Israel should disclose selected elements of its own nuclear program. Deterrence lies in the communication of capacity and will to those who would do great harm.

Israel currently maintains a policy of nuclear ambiguity, holding as secret the number, configuration, and targeting capabilities of its nuclear weapons.

"Project Daniel: Israel's Strategic Future," recommends that should Iran make a first-strike Israel must immediately deter Iran by threatening to use nuclear bombs to target Iran population centers. To cause ultimate deterrence is to deter the enemy with the most overwhelmingly destructive first strike, Israel must seek and achieve a visible second-strike capability able target approximately 15 enemy cities. Ranges would be cities in Libya to Iran and recognizable nuclear bomb yields at a level sufficient to fully compromise the aggressor viability as a functioning state. Israel should focus its resources on counter-value warheads, targeting between 10 and 20 city assets of crucial importance to the enemy. Must exclude religious assets wherever possible. Choosing counter value-targeted warheads in the range of maximum destructiveness, Israel will achieve the maximum deterrent effect which will neutralize the overall asymmetry between the Arabs and Israel. All enemy targets should be selected with the view that their destruction would promptly force the enemy to cease all nuclear, biological, and chemical exchanges with Israel.

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