Friday, March 18, 2005

United States House Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Non-Proliferation, Victor Comras, and United Nations

Victor Comras testimony before the United States House Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Non-Proliferation about the United Nations.

The United Nations and the Fight Against Terrorism.

Poor performance of the United Nations in stopping terrorism, while the United Nations Terrorism Monitoring Group for two years produced valid and critical reports that named and shamed countries which did not chase down terrorists as mandated under United Nations resolutions. United Nations Terrorism Monitoring Group reports were too much for the United Nations bureaucrats who couldn't take the heat from the named and shamed countries, the United Nations Terrorism Monitoring Group was disbanded. The United States Department of State provided consent, the United Nations Terrorism Monitoring Group was replaced with a less critical group with no desire and mechanism for enforcement.

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